Maurice J. Bowen
 Canadian International Consultant
 Geographic and Management Information Systems  
Director, MBowen International & Associates Inc.





Click on the map below for an interactive map that links countries worked to my CV

About this map

  • Uses advanced features of the Google Maps Api
  • Uses clustering to show regional experience
  • Map Markers are linked to assignment titles that appear in the top panel & which link back to my CV
  • Left map panel shows navigation by geography
  • Right map panel shows cluster codes and a zoom control

Click here to view a static map of countries worked
Click here to view a static map of my Indonesian experience
  1. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Canada
  3. Indonesia, (Including the former East Timor)
  4. Kenya
  5. Libya
  6. Macedonia
  7. Namibia
  8. Sierra Leone
  9. Switzerland
  10. United Arab Emirates


Practice Area Competency Level
Expert Intermediate Beginner
GIS DESKTOP ArcMap Version 10.5 QGIS Map Info
SERVERArcGIS for Server Minesota Map Server Geoserver
WEB/CLOUD Latitude Geographics (GEOCORTEX Essentials);
ArcGIS Online; ESRI Data Hub
Google Maps API, BING MAPS API ESRI Web AppBuilder
TOOLS/EXTENSIONS ArcMap Toolbox/Python FME Desktop 2018, ESRI Interoperability, Latitude Geographics (GEOCORTEX Analytics) Latitude Geographics (Workflow Designer)
PROGRAMMING MICROSOFT Visual Studio 2017 (C# & Visual Basic); VBA for MS Office Applications SQL Server Queries, SQL Stored Procedures SQL Views
ESRI VbScript Python for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition)
OPEN SOURCE Nuget Libraries for Visual Studio; Javascript for Google Maps API, BING MAPS API; PHP & CURL Python, HTML 5; JQuery; Selenium CSS libraries (Bootstrap; Font Awesome)
DATABASES & DATA MICROSOFT SQL Server 2017, SQL Management Studio - -
ORACLE Oracle to SQL Migration Oracle Spatial Oracle 10
DATA FORMATS ESRI Shapefiles, Autocad DXF, CSV, XML, KML, JSON Lidar Data - LAS, Programatically read/write ESRI Shapefiles; XML, KML, JSON


Click to view map

About the map

A multi-hazard analysis of geological structures in Sumatra, Indonesia
  • The earthquake shake hazard rating system was modified from a Canadian system in paper by Levson, Victor M. et al, Earthquake Hazard Mapping in British Columbia: Status, Demand And Methodology Development.;
  • Geology Map Units were digitized from 1981-1983 series 1:250,000 Geology Maps provided by the Indonesian Geological Research and Development Centre (GRDC);

Exxon Mobile: Mapping the degree of impact of a pipeline corridor on Indonesian communities in East Java.
  • generated by statistical analysis of population census data within pipeline corridor
  • data flowed from access --> SQL Server - (i.e non-spatial census data joined to Geodatabase) and admin polygons classified into operational tiers/clusters
Part of a Community-based projects mapping Atlas prepared for US Congress under a USAID 40 Million dollar project in Indonesia.
  • The Atlas was partially automated in ArcGIS 9.2 using VBA/Vbscripts;
  • Data was sourced from Geodatabases;
NTGS Spatial - Geoscience WEB GIS
  • The WEB GIS Portal uses VertiGIS's Geocortex Web GIS;
  • Features Geology Maps, Mineral Tenure Maps, Layer Catalogs and Geoprocessing Tools ;
NTGS - An Implementation of ESRI's Open Data hosted at ArcGIS Online.
  • The Data Hub provides fast responsive viewing of NT Geology Maps and Data;
  • Features Bulk Data Download in SHP, CSV and KMZ formats;


Web GIS and Database Specialist with the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS).

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Geoscience Information Management

Project Goals/Overview

  1. Redesign and redeployment of all web-based geosciences information services for the Northwest Territories Geological Survey(NTGS), NT, Canada.;
  2. Manage the inputs/outputs of user groups and development consultants;
  3. Challenging factors included budget and human resource constraints.


  1. on-boarding of senior management;
  2. selection of an architecture and development framework that was manageable and compatible with local agencies;
  3. careful selection of external consultants;
  4. spirited teamwork, and importantly;
  5. consistent, meaningful collaboration with NTGS partners.

Team Leader/GIS Specialist with ADB to advise the Government of ACEH, Indonesia on the establishment of a Forestry Information Management System (FIS).

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Forestry and Environment / Watershed - Based Forestry Management

Project Goals/Overview

  1. To provide Information Support for sustainable management of the world's largest remaining tropical forests in Sumatra thereby maximizing economic, social and environmental benefits;
  2. Delivery of a Capacity Building and Institutional Strenghtening Program for enhanced operational forest management and;
  3. Challenging factors included a post-tsunami operational environment as well as competing stakeholder interests arising from governance autonomy, a logging moratorium as well as a growing interest in the carbon-trading market.


  1. Design, installation and testing of a state of the art Forestry Information System (FIS);
  2. Facilitation and coordination of the work of 7 international and 20 National experts in Forestry, Environment, and Land Resource Science, Land Use, and provision of technical support to GIS, RS teams;
  3. Strategic planning and client/stakeholder liaison/consultations;
  4. Delivery of a Capacity Building Program Institutional Strenghtening Program which included detailed 12 User Guides for the installed FIS, and;
  5. Preparation of Final Reports and Maps.

Soil Information System Team Leader and GIS Administrator, UAE with ADB to advise the Government of Libya on the establishment of a Forestry Information Management System (FIS).

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Environment and Agriculture / Spatial Planning & Decision Support for Natural Resource Management

Project Goals/Overview

  1. The Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi required the development of an Abu Dhabi Soil Information System (ADSIS) to support the management of its soil and land resources;
  2. The development model required a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach compliant with international and national systems architecture standards, and;
  3. ArcGIS Server was chosen as the applications platform with a SQL backend database.


  1. Design of ADSIS Software Development Plan and implementation of subsystems such as an ArcGIS Server based online web mapping system;
  2. Delivery of 12 software development reports, including user documentation/online help system, and;
  3. Management of the development team and associated subcontracts.

Senior GIS Advisor, supporting USAID's Program to Support for Peaceful Democratization (SPD) Indonesia.

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Governance and Community Based Development / Information Support for Management of Grants to Civil Service Organizations (CSOs).

Project Goals/Overview

  1. Many Indonesian communities in Sumatra are transitional from disaster and conflict to democratic governance.
  2. USAID's Support for Peace and Democratization (SPD) Programme supports this transition by providing capacity building and grants to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs);
  3. Project implementation and monitoring components require the collection of a large amount of information which must be analyzed and reported in a manner that is logically and qualitatively consistent with DAI's and USAID's internal controls and Management Information Systems (MIS).


  1. Responsible for oversight in the design, quality assurance and production of databases, maps, reports and statistical analysis associated with USAID's CSO community grants;
  2. Served as trainer/mentor for the GIS and Data Management Unit, and;
  3. Managed quality control of Outputs Quality Assurance db, Village Profiles database, Community Action Plans database, and a number of databases from subcontractors.

Chief Technical Advisor/Information Specialist with UN-FAO to advise the Government of Libya on the establishment of an Integrated Land Resource Information Management System.

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Agriculture and Environment / Information Management for Natural Resource Management

Project Goals/Overview

  1. Information Management for Natural Resources and Planning:
  2. The Government of Libya in the late 1990's, recognizing that Land Degradation was an issue facing agricultural, environmental and economic development decided to consolidate all its land-based information as an Integrated Land Resource Information Management System (LRIMS).
  3. Project components included data sourcing from a number of Land Resouces agencies, formation of Land Resources and Spatial Data Management workgroups, and the design and implementation of an Integrated Land Resource Information Management System (LRIMS), and;
  4. Subcontract design and supervision for the procurement of rangeland information subcontracts by remote sensing.


  1. Establishment of national training program for Geographic Information Systems (GIS);
  2. Formation of National Working Groups in Agriculture (Soil and Land Use), Geodetic Survey, Remote Sensing (RS), GIS, and Environment (Meteorology, and Water Resources);
  3. Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) and selection of international consultants for inputs to develop computerized applications for land evaluation, planning and management at national and regional levels;
  4. Successfully managed the signing of Letters of Agreement (LOAs) between the United Nations (FAO) and two National Remote Sensing Agencies, and;
  5. Worked closely and cooperatively within the Ministry of Agriculture Officials.

Regional Team Leader/Senior Physical Planner for an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Land Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP II/D), Denpasar, Bali. Indonesia.

Sector(s)/Subsector(s): Physical Planning / Information Management for Natural Resource Management

Project Goals/Overview

  1. The Second Land Resource Evaluation and Planning Project (LREP2) was intended to increase institutional capacity in three key government mapping agencies;
  2. There were four executing agencies (EAs): (i) the National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (Bakosurtanal) for the GLRIS; (ii) the National Land Agency (BPN) for land use mapping; (iii) the Center for Soil and Agroclimate Research (CSAR) within the Ministry of Agriculture for soil resource mapping; and (iv) the Directorate General of Regional Development (DGRD) within the Ministry of Home Affairs for the physical planning component;
  3. LREP II/D, the Spatial Planning Component, was executed by DGRD and aimed to improve physical planning processes in the provincial planning agencies (BAPPEDAs);
  4. The entry points for the LREP II/D Component was in the areas of land zoning and policy option maps using GIS technology, and;
  5. Capacity Building in spatial planning was an important activity under this component.


  1. As Regional Team Leader, represented the ADBs National level project for 5 provinces of East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timor, Nusa Tenggara Barat, and Timor Timor (former East Timor);
  2. Managed the regional project office including oversight all administrative, financial and human resources and logistical activities;
  3. Developed and implemented a GIS-based decision support system using development planning models;
  4. The planning models accessed and derived land resource information to support rule-base planning from about 25 national and international sources, including, FAO land evaluation criteria, USDA soil mechanical criteria for buildings, erodability, including volcanic eruption, landslides and environmental contamination from agriculture, municipal and industrial sources;
  5. Effectively demonstrated the development planning models in 20 Pilot Project Areas involving a wide range of policy options for Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Municipal Planning, Mining and Tourism sectors, and;
  6. Implemented Capacity Building activities for Planning Officials in the provincial BAPPEDAs;

An Additional 6 years work in Canada in these roles:



                       Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

       Cell Phone (1) 647 381 6538



    B.Sc. (Agr.), Honors Soil Science, 1980, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada
    Honors Thesis Dissertation: The role of Freezing and Water Table Management in the Subsidence of Cultivated organic Soils [Wetlands].
    B.S. /B.Ed. 1969-1974 Memorial University, St. John's, Nfld. 40 of 50 required courses completed, including all core Biology/Ecology.
    Examples of University Credits: 13 biology, 10 land resource sciences, economics, statistics, computer science, geology, chemistry, engineering, education, scientific writing, pesticides in the environment, meteorology, remote sensing, applied aquatic biology.
    Additional Training: Cartography, surveying, CAD, GIS theory, geodesy; geo-referencing, spatial data transformations, raster & vector file formats and file conversions, owner & operator of a data capture service for AM/FM, GIS and CAD clients.


    1982 Report: Detailed Soil Survey of Kings County, Nova Scotia.
    1984 Final Report: Detailed Soil Survey of Kings County, Nova Scotia.


Past President, (3 years) Newfoundland & Labrador Peat Association
Sponsor & organizer,"Newfoundland & Labrador Peat Opportunities: An International Conference, 1993, Nfld., Canada."


Available on request.


1. PROJECT: SOUTH ASIA SUBREGIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION INTEGRATED TRADE FACILITATION PROGRAM -RECRUITMENT OF CONSULTANTS FOR THE SASEC INTEGRATED TRADE FACILITATION PROGRAM (53260-002) (DAKAH), BANGLADESH. Project Description ADB Project: The Program will help improve Bangladesh’s border infrastructure and trade facilitation environment, thereby contributing to the national goals of promoting a favorable industrialization and trade policy regime. The Program will support Bangladesh’s implementation of the World Trade Organization's (WTO’s) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), and related best practices on transport and trade facilitation. This project is being implemented under a work-from-home arrangement due to pandemic-related restrictions.
Location & Dates: Remote Work Canada)

Currently implemented as a work-from-home due to pandemic restrictions. As the Senior IT Expert, I advise a Team of 40 experts on the available technologies and costs of institutional strengthening for cross-border road and rail shipments; recently submitted the Project Inception Report. Tasks/Achievements: As the lead IT Expert, my inputs involve: - advising a Team of 40 International and National experts on the available technologies, including ASYCUDA, a computerized customs management system developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Nations; - Sourced all spatial data (over 40 map layers of administrative, communication, climate change/environmental, infrastructure, transportation); - created Report-ready Maps for 18 Border and Immigration Control Points using open-source QGIS; - costs of institutional strengthening for cross-border road and rail shipments. - wrote all relevant sections for the IT Project Inception and Interim Reports
2. PROJECT: REDESIGN AND REDEPLOYMENT OF ALL WEB-BASED GEOSCIENCES INFORMATION SERVICES FOR THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (NT), CANADA. The Geosciences Office of the Northwest Territories (NTGO), supported by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) and Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), provides expertise on the mineral and petroleum resources of the NWT. It also carries out mineral and energy potential studies and non-renewable resource assessments in support of land use planning, land claim processes, and conservation initiatives. NTGO also compiles, manages and makes available a variety of geoscientific data, and provides public education and outreach services. It also advises on policy and programming through the Mining Records Office. In 2013 the NTGO sought assistance to develop a modern and efficient web-based system for the discovery and delivery of Geosciences Information Services through a redesign project. Due to the remote location, access costs and relatively high potential for commercial oil, gas and mineral assets, including gold and diamonds, the facility needed to respond to a wide client base representing industry, government, academia and the general public. A System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach is employed to identify appropriate and cost-effective re-design options. Currently technology being deployed includes a LAMPS stack for a customized DRUPAL CMS for static web pages. Spatial and Tabular Web applications will be supported with GeoCortex, ArcGIS Server, MsSQL and Visual Studio Web Apps.
Location & Dates: YellowKnife, Northwest Territories (NT), Canada (09/2013 TO Present)

  • Overall responsibility for supervising development or modification of systems , standards, specifications, and methodologies to address those issues. Analysis of complex scientific/geospatial database access, management and utilization issues, and recommending. Develops and maintains the NTGO website. Specific Task are summarized below.
Management & Oversight
  • Manages multi-disciplinary teams involved in the development of web-based information systems. Identifies resource requirements; establishing objectives and goals; developing work plans, priorities, and schedules; planning and assigning tasks; motivating personnel; monitoring work performance against planned deliverables; resolving conflicts between team members and with contractors and clients.
  • Manages relationships with external suppliers, contractors, external end users, and Management/Information Technology (IM/IT)
  • Oversees financial requirements for special projects; manages and accounts for a budget to provide the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of external end user services provided; and prepares or reviews cost-benefit analyses to determine optimum cost.
Research, Analysis, Modeling and Development of Geospatial Solutions
  • Analyzes and clarifies the technical parameters of work required for GIS, web mapping and web programming projects and services; consults records and reference material; provides technical advice and support for project planning activities; and identifies potential technical issues and develops and implements recommendations.
  • Develops, maintains, and delivers data management and web based information services, and performs research and development for the NTGO's web enabled databases and GIS systems, which promote discovery and aid delivery of NTGO's information stores. Identifies needs related to information management and dissemination, and creates and modifies applications to address those needs. Develops and designs custom computer programs for the World Wide Web 0NWW) and manages content of the NTGO website.
  • Designs, plans and implements GIS, web mapping and web programming projects, through the collection of appropriate information, data modeling, analysis and programming, for the production of mapping applications, maps or data analysis; performs needs analysis, risk assessment and cost/benefit analysis, consults and provides expert direction and guidance on GIS, web mapping and web programming applications, activities and proposals.
  • Participates in research projects using GIS technology, by setting up appropriate data collection/collation techniques, by analysis or data modeling, by programming of specialized or keystone systems and applications to meet operational requirements, and by template and/or digital map production.
  • Conceptualizes and manages the conduct of studies and research, and develops proposals for input to such initiatives as the national framework, national strategic and operational and business development plans, the development of internal client and external end user-specific national servicing strategies, innovative business approaches, and the planning and implementation of internal client and external end user programs or projects. As a subject matter expert, provides functional expertise, leadership and guidance through developing solutions to address operational problems; developing policies, standards, performance criteria, implementation models, optimal approaches and best practices; and developing and delivering training programs to promote rational consistency and to equip employees with the knowledge and tools to utilize state-of-the- art techniques in the provision of leading edge services to internal clients and external end users.
Standards and Compliance
  • Conducts reviews of GIS, web and web mapping project implementation to assess compliance with policies, standards and performance criteria and to evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of completed projects and develops reports on the findings, with recommendations to address problem areas and proposals for improvements.
Capacity Building
  • Provides training, and assistance to users of web, database, and GIS applications. Ensures that all staff understand established data and metadata collection and management guidelines and standards.
Representation and Liaison
  • Represents the NTGO and/or department during internal and external meetings, working groups and committees.
Employer: Geosciences Office of the Northwest Territories (NTGO), Government of Canada (GC) and the Governemnt of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)/td>
3. PROJECT: INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING FOR INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 6 CIS RIVER BASIN TERRITORY (PACKAGE E). In 2003 the Government of Indonesia requested technical assistance (TA) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB to prepare a water resources management project, aimed at improving deteriorated irrigation and water supply facilities in the Citarum River Basin using an integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach. Package E is part of an Integrated Citarum Water Resources Management Investment Program ICWRMIP which is a 15-year program supported by ADB's Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF). The TA addresses climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies through capacity development programs, pilot activities and other concrete actions to improve: Resilience of water resources to climate change, waste management practices, institutional strengthening and capacity development
Location & Dates: JAKARTA, INDONESIA & CANADA (11/2011 to 03/2011, Part-Time, home-based)
Position: TEAM LEADER: Responsible for: management and quality assurance of budgets and work programs; coordination of work involving climate change vulnerability assessments, impacts/trend modeling, formulation of relevant adaptation, mitigation and policy briefings; organization of high-level stakeholder meetings/workshops; guiding stakeholder consultations for GHG mitigation pilots focusing on biogas and municipal solid waste management; preparation of detailed plans to implement pilots including budget and stakeholder engagement arrangements; preparation of CDM project design documents for mitigation pilots to meet national and international requirements regarding baseline methodology, additionality, sustainable development and other criteria; implementation of pilot activities on mitigation and adaptation with due consideration to environmental safeguards and other national/provincial compliance requirements, and; Drafting and finalization of all regular progress and final reports to government representatives and ADB project officers.
4. PROJECT: NETHERLANDS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME - TAILOR-MADE TRAINING. In October, 2010, the Dutch Government, through its international higher education agency (NUFFIC -, published a call for tenders for a training project in GIS and Spatial Planning' for staff from the Pattimura University (UNPATTI), Indonesia. In order to evaluate the proposals submitted, the tender evaluation committee required a senior independent expert in GIS training to fulfill the role of Chair. My selection to the chair was the result of a competitive international search for suitably qualified candidates
Location & Dates: CANADA (11/2010 to 03/2011, home-based)
Position: CHAIR OF TENDER EVALUATION COMMITTEE: Guided the evaluation of Expressions of Interests and full proposals from eligible training providers in the Netherlands, and confirmed the final selection.
5 PROJECT: ETESP PACKAGE 39-PART 2: INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR MANAGEMENT OF ACEH'S FOREST RESOURCES, SUMATERA, INDONESIA. The TA extended the success of ETESP Package 38 by strengthening the capacity of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to manage forest resources in a sustainable, knowledge-based manner through improvements in information management, integrated watershed and community-based approaches. All supporting data and functionality for these components were integrated in a Forestry Information System (FIS). System components and other assets developed during the previous TA were deployed and tested within the Provincial Agency for Forestry and plantations or Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan (DisHutBun). The TA also included a 3-month in-house capacity building and institutional strengthening programme in the use, maintenance and customization of the FIS and associated documentation. Field training to verify land use, land suitability assessments formed part of the training
Location & Dates: BANDA ACEH, SUMATRA, INDONESIA (06/2009 TO 05/2010)
Position: TEAM LEADER/GIS SPECIALIST. Facilitated and coordinated the work of 7 international and 20 national experts in Forestry, Environment, Land Resource Science, and Land Use; led strategic planning and stakeholder consultations; designed a capacity building programme for knowledge-driven and watershed-based management of forest lands; supervised project operational, and administrative staff; prepared all ADB progress and final reports; successfully managed the project's 1 million dollar budget from inception to project hand-over.
6. PROJECT: ETESP PACKAGE 38: INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR MANAGEMENT OF ACEH'S FOREST RESOURCES. Information support aimed at sustainable management of one of the world's largest remaining tropical forests to maximize economic, social and environmental benefits. Challenging factors included a post-tsunami operational environment as well as competing stakeholder interests arising from governance autonomy, a logging moratorium as well as a growing interest in the carbon-trading market. The first phase of the project successfully scoped and sourced more than 1000 spatial and non-spatial datasets which were assessed/improved against a set of logical and quality control measures
Location & Dates: BANDA ACEH, SUMATRA, INDONESIA (06/2008 TO 04/2009)
Position: TEAM LEADER/ GIS SPECIALIST: Provide management oversight and guidance for a team of experts involved in the development of a Forestry Information System (FIS) using a modified System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Rapid Application Development (RAD) process; formed, managed and coordinated 4 sector workgroups that were partnered with staff from the Forestry agency; coordinated experts in Forestry, Environment, and Land Resource Science, Land Use, and provision of technical support to GIS, RS teams; prepared ADB inception and progress reports with inputs from experts; provided strategic planning and advice to the client; worked effectively with ADB to overcome administrative issues associated with the prime contractor thereby facilitating the project continuation under ETESP Package 39-Part 2 (see above).
7. PROJECT: ABU DHABI SOIL INFORMATION SYSTEM (ADSIS). The Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD) required the development of ADSIS to support the management of its soil and land resources. In particular, EAD needed a way to analyze and interpret vast quantities of detailed physical, chemical and morphological data generated by a concurrent soil survey project of the entire Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The intent was to create an evidence-based land-use planning system to inform Emirati decision-makers about options and consequences for sustainable, climate-resilient development planning. The development model required a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach compliant with international and national systems architecture standards. ArcGIS Server was chosen as the applications platform with a SQL backend database
Location & Dates: ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (10/2007 TO 06/2008)
Position: SOIL INFORMATION SYSTEM TEAM LEADER AND GIS ADMINISTRATOR: Design of ADSIS Software Development Plan and implementation of subsystems such as an ArcGIS Server based online web mapping system; delivery of development/documentation of report and management of the development team and associated subcontracts; facilitated stakeholders liaison and participation in the design and deployment of ADSIS; production of 18 thematic maps including suitability for Agriculture; training and capacity building of the installed system, including the production of automated derivative maps.
8 PROJECT: SUPPORT FOR PEACEFUL DEMOCRATIZATION (SPD) INDONESIA. In 2005 many Indonesian communities in Sumatra were transitional from disaster and conflict to democratic governance. SPD supported the transition with grants and capacity building to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Project implementation and monitoring components require the collection of a large amount of information which must be analyzed and reported in a manner that is logically and qualitatively consistent with DAI's and USAID's internal controls and Management Information Systems (MIS)
Location & Dates: JAKARTA, INDONESIA (02/2006 TO 10/2007)
Position: SENIOR GIS ADVISOR: Responsible for oversight in the design, quality assurance and production of databases, maps, reports and statistical analysis associated with USAID community grants; served as trainer/mentor for the GIS and Data Management Unit in the management and quality control of Outputs Quality Assurance db, Village Profiles database, Community Action Plans database, and a number of databases from subcontractors. Overall strengthening of community level governance to adapt to post-tsunami and post-conflict environments through practical, hands-on change-management techniques. Examples include, strengthening the capacity of CSOs in project formulation/justification using IT and relevant data management techniques in a participatory planning process.
9. PROJECT: HOTSPOTS HAZARDS MAPPING FOR TSUNAMI AFFECTED AREAS IN BANDA ACEH, INDONESIA. After the 2004 earthquake which triggered the Indian Ocean tsunami, the World Bank and New Zealand Aid assisted with a "Build Back Better" program in Indonesia. A team of international experts were recruited with expertise in earthquake-resilient engineering and Hotspots Mapping of disaster-prone areas. The Hotspots Mapping project developed provincial scale multiple hazard maps as a integrated framework for more detailed spatial planning and hazard mapping levels at the district, sub district and community levels
Location & Dates: BANDA ACEH, INDONESIA (09/2005 TO 11/2005)
Position: SENIOR ADVISOR: to World Bank Badan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi (BRR). Sourced datasets from national agencies such as BAKOSURTANAL, PUSLIKTANAK, GRDC, BPN, BMG and VSI; developed a Hazard Hotspots Map for BRR to show how the interaction of geology, soils, topography, hydrology, and coastal bathymetry created high risks for vulnerable settlements & infrastructure; modeled environmental impacts of unmitigated disaster - such as tsunami flooding and run-up models in coastal areas and upland areas; developed Mercalli Scale maps (modeling shake intensity); identified areas with high vulnerability to earth quake and tsunamis including watersheds prone to tsunami flooding and inundation, soil liquefaction, landslides and erosion; advised on disaster mitigation measures such as awareness programs and preparedness; presented stakeholders with the results as maps and reports.
10. PROJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF A UNHCR STRATEGY FOR OPERATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS AND REPORTING. UNHCR adopted a Standards and Indicators Reporting (SIR) methodology which informed a Results-Based Management System. Weaknesses in data gathering and analysis processes at the field level hampered the compilation of reliable demographic, operational analysis needed for the preparation of assessments, Country Operation Plans, interagency coordination, resource mobilization and donor relations. The study identified and documented weakness and proposed a mitigation strategy
Position: SENIOR OPERATIONAL DATA MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: Engaged Senior Managers in consultative study methodology which included representatives from UNHCR headquarters in Geneva to the refugee-camp level, using Sierra Leone as a case study; identified and documented existing weakness in UNHCR's Current Data Management System; utilized participatory techniques, primarily focus groups and individual interviews as well as to gather specific proposals and strategies to address these gaps.
11. PROJECT: DEPHA, DATA EXCHANGE PLATFORM FOR THE HORN OF AFRICA (HOA). An interagency project with a mission to improve the management, access and exchange of geomatics products and services in seven east African countries namely, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and; Uganda
Location & Dates: NAIROBI, KENYA (06/2003 - 03/2004)
Position: PROJECT MANAGER: Responsible for the direction, management, and development of DEPHA resources and staff. Key tasks include; mobilization and coordination of stakeholder/donor resources and needs; formation of strategic partnerships to support emergency, humanitarian and development interventions in the HoA; development of data standards, information sharing protocols and improved exchange technology. An ongoing and parallel focus is to identify and act upon meaningful ways and means to use GIS, MIS and other geospatial technologies to improve local governance, through joint ventures, participatory learning activities and assistance with the selection of appropriate technology.
12 PROJECT: BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA LANDMINE IMPACT SURVEY (LIS). A LIS is a standard methodology implemented worldwide to identify and rank the severity of landmine impact on communities. Survey results are used to guide Land Mine Action policy and to prioritize programming. A LIS is an International Standards Organization (ISO) certified process that is recognized under the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)
Location & Dates: SARAJEVO, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (11/2002 TO 06/2003)
Position: GIS CONSULTANT: Responsible for implementation of the spatial analysis component of the LIS. Advice and direction was provide to the LIS Survey Team on sampling strategy, creation of a digital gazetteer, training in field data collection methods such as GPS, data recording and data-chain management, development of standardized maps and data.
13. PROJECT: COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE IN FYROM. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) was responsible for maintaining a coordination database of humanitarian activities in the country. The Database was meant to give a rapid picture of "Who does What Where", a standard approach of OCHA
Position: GIS CONSULTANT: A short-term input to assist OCHA with setting up the database and linking the data to a GIS System so that the activities could be presented spatially
14. PROJECT: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FOR LAND RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. The project supported the Government of Libya (GOI) with resilient strategies for rangeland management in areas bordering the Southern Sahara and the northern Mediterranean coastline. Implementation involved coordination of 6 major agencies responsible for the management of soils, water and land information management, under the direction of a Chief technical Advisor, a Project Steering Committee and National Work Groups. A Land Resources Information Management System(LRMIS) was designed, built and deployed in the Agriculture Ministry to address climate change vulnerabilities such as shallow soils, a falling water table and the threat of saline water intrusion
Location & Dates: CAIRO, EGYPT, TRIPOLI, LIBYA AND ROME, ITALY (03/2001 TO 03/2002)
Position: CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISOR/INFORMATION SPECIALIST: Supervised the LRMIS team and built capacity for Business Applications in Land Evaluation, Planning and Management at National and Regional Levels; updated the LRMIS with GIS and Remote Sensing data; managed the signing of Letters of Agreement (US$200,000) between 2 GOL agencies and FAO for information and data services; formed 6 national work groups and developed TOR to coordinate national level input to LRMIS standards; scheduled 3 technical missions for international consultancies for LRMIS inputs; lead National Work Groups in the acquisition and quality assurance of land resource data, including soils, agriculture, agrometerology, water resources, land use/land tenure and acquisition of geodetic data controls points; introduced, and set up a Training Program in National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), workshops, thematic data warehouses and successfully introduced and installed an Integrated MIS using UN-FAO approved methodology; maintained an excellent working relationship with project personnel in Cairo, Tripoli and Rome, Italy.
15. PROJECT: TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT AND PROJECT DOCUMENT PREPARATION FOR LOCAL SETTLEMENT AND INTEGRATION OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPS) IN INDONESIA. Technical Assessment and Project Document Preparation for Local Settlement and Integration of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) in Indonesia
Location & Dates: WEST TIMOR, INDONESIA (03/2000 TO 05/2000)
Position: LAND USE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR: Conducted surveys in 25 villages throughout NTT to access willingness to accept refugees and/or Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs); Determined, in consultation with local leaders, that the carrying capacity of the Land Utilization Types (LUTs) in the villages (which were largely rain-fed subsistence agriculture enterprises) could in general only support an additional 25% of its current capacity (populations of humans and/or livestock) unless substantive external inputs were made available; Reported the above results to UNHCR in writing and verbally through weekly correspondence.
16. PROJECT: KUTAI DROUGHT MITIGATION INTERVENTION PROJECT, (KDMIP). KDMIP provided short and long-term mitigation to 20,000 families prone to climatic and human-induced forest disturbances and degradation in remote areas of the Mahakam watershed basin, accessible only by boat. A Food For Work (FFW) program targeted the extremely vulnerable while adaptive Agro-Forestry Practices were encouraged for the longer term. A challenge was to maintain gender balance and sustainability within an emergency context
Location & Dates: SAMARINDA, KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (09/1998 TO 03/1999)
Position: PROJECT COORDINATOR: Implemented over 200 community projects in agriculture, agro-forestry, fisheries, infrastructure and small enterprise; developed projects aimed at climate change resilience and conflict resolution for communities living in impoverished Forestry/Agricultural fringe areas; developed efficient methods of monitoring and evaluation project progress with participation from the local community.
17. PROJECT: LAND RESOURCE EVALUATION AND PLANNING PROJECT (LREP II/D). The TA Strengthened land use mapping capability in 18 Provincial Planning Agencies (BAPPEDA) by improved spatial planning infrastructure and the introduction of "rule-base" planning methodology using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology. An ArcInfo based development planning decision support system was designed for 5 provinces in Indonesia which incorporated both National and Provincial Planning laws.
Position: REGIONAL TEAM LEADER/SENIOR PHYSICAL PLANNER: Implemented LREP II/D in Eastern Indonesia; successfully developed and demonstrated 20 development models for agriculture, agro-forestry aquaculture, forestry, mining and tourism sectors. This required the collection and analysis of site assessments data from over 25 national sources; formulation of methodology, guidelines and criteria including USDA soil mechanical criteria for engineering design, natural hazards (volcanic, landslides, flooding, soil erosion), environmental contamination parameters from agriculture, municipal and industrial, waste management and sources. Consulted with stakeholders to test the GIS-based development planning models in high priority planning areas and ensured that development plans complied with climatic, environmental, physiographic and cultural criteria. Built capacity of GOI planners in technical, logistical and planning functions. LREP is currently referenced in the Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap 2009 and National Action Plan Addressing Climate Change, 2007.
18. PROJECT: GIS DATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO GOVERNMENT & INDUSTRY. FREELANCE CONSULTANT AND OWNER OF MULTIMAP SERVICES. This was a home-based GIS Consultancy offering short-term data migration and integrations services mainly to Canadian clients
Location & Dates: BROOKS, ALBERTA, AND ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA (02/1996 TO 04/1997)
Position: GIS MAPPING CONSULTANT: This work by nature was transitional from government civil services to consulting services and included: Preparation of proposals, Expressions of Interests (EOI) for business development; Oversight (as owner/operator) of the data conversion, processing, and integrations services;
19. PROJECT: SOIL SURVEY, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, LAND USE PLANNING, GIS APPLICATIONS. The Soil and Land Management Unit, Department of Forestry, Lands and Agriculture, NF Canada, in the 1970s, with assistance from the Government of Canada decided to introduce an On-Farm Soil and Land Improvement Service to local farms to better equip them to adopt sustainable soil conservation and land planning practices. The program, known as the On Farm Mapping Program (OFMP), essentially focused on issues facing the farming community: Land Management and Planning, Soil Conservation and Productivity and Soil Drainage
Location & Dates: ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA (04/1990 TO 03/1996)
Position: LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST: Prepared detailed (1:3000) Land Use individual farms; Prepared detailed (1:3000) Soil maps with specific and very Land Suitability Ratings which were supported by Pedalogical and Agronomic Fertility Laboratory analysis; Introduced the concept of a Soil Management Unit as opposed to the common term "soil polygon" to better reflect the actual farming practices and to better communicated results and recommendations; Advised on numerous small-scale agriculture enterprises including Mushroom cultivation; land valuation for farm resale; soil drainage; Soil Fertility; Represented the SML on the Departmental User Needs Committee and offered advice on HR and training requirements especially in GIS/RS and the management land related information.
20 . PROJECT: SCREENING FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR DETAILED ENGINEERING FOR TRANSMIGRATION SETTLEMENT DEVELOPMENT. Feasibility studies and detail engineering for transmigration under the Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration (RePPProT) settlement development. The TA mapped and assessed soils, landform, hydrology, forestry and other factors affecting human settlement capacity and suitability. Geographically, the survey area stretched from the Oriomo-Fly Plain in the south to the Fly-Digul Shelf in the upper reaches of the Digul River Watershed adjacent to the Papua New Guinea. Phase I was based on satellite and air photo interpretation, but Phase II (1:50,000) and Phase III (1:20,000) involved intensive ground truth. As the area had no roads, access was via a 1-2 day boat trip up the Digul river, or where possible, via helicopter. This was a very challenging and dangerous mission into previously unexplored tribal areas with little or no contact with the outside world. Technical challenges included a lack of basic mapping and geodetic references and initially no air photos. Additional challenges included in excess of 6 meters of annual rainfall, very steep, dissected topography, a high frequency of malaria and tuberculosis
Position: Multiple Positions: Despite the challenges hardships and hazardous conditions referred to above, the consultant remains humbled and fortunate to have endured these conditions for over 5 years. At the same time he enjoyed good health, amicable relations with his co-workers, the local people and was promoted to positions of increasing responsibility. Having been selected to decommission Lavalin's field and office operations he was the last international consultant to depart the project. Key posts, covering a period of over 5 years (from 03/1984 to 07/1989) are described below.
Position: SITE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY LEADER: Following technical feasibility studies under the Trans V programme, the World Bank Funded reconnaissance missions and rapid appraisals to determine remediation actions in selected agricultural villages which were cited as failed or failing Transmigration sites in Eastern Indonesia. Travelled to about a dozen subsistence communities in eastern Indonesia to provided oversight for site assessments and community surveys for infrastructure improvement projects in isolated subsistence agricultural communities; capacity building, including training of 150 Indonesian counterparts in RePPProT methodologies. Evaluated and assessed of urgent remediation and development needs; Developed a project formulation report for immediate action based on the reconnaissance mission.
Location & Dates: MERAUKE, (FORMER IRIAN JAYA), PAPUA, INDONESIA (01/1987 TO 03/1988)
Position: PHASE II TEAM LEADER: (Alternated as PROJECT MANAGER, PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR for five months): Prepared progress reports to the World Bank's Regional and Central Advisory Groups; Coordinated the technical inputs of a team of 15 International and 150 Indonesian consultants including Foresters, Soil Scientists, and Land Use Planners; supervised external contractors and coordinated project outputs for the World Bank Regional Advisory Group review process. Delivered 10 reports containing highly technical and comprehensive land resource and planning information such as: Community Spatial Development plans; Assessment of 25 yr project economic feasibility; Estimates of Commercial Timber; Soil Suitability Ratings for Upland/Lowland Crops; Detailed infrastructure plans including road alignment and location of public facilities.
Location & Dates: MERAUKE, (FORMER IRIAN JAYA), PAPUA, INDONESIA (07/1986 TO 11/1986)
Position: SPATIAL PLANNING TECHNICAL ADVISOR: Technical Assistance to complete a full-scale Transmigration Development Settlement Study. This work was essentially a follow-up from the previous work (see below) but the focus was on capacity building. The consultant was selected from a Team of 18 consultants by Lavalin International Inc to supervise the work of an Indonesian Consultant to undertake a full scale Settlement Development Study on their own, using the methods and procedures developed in earlier feasibility studies. Principle Responsibilities/Achievements of the Consultant included: Supervised all aspects of the Settlement Development Study; Liaised with the client (GOI) and the Contractor in Canada; Led the team to a successful Project completion and client approval.
Location & Dates: MERAUKE, (FORMER IRIAN JAYA), PAPUA, INDONESIA (03/1984 TO 03/1986)
Position: TECHNICAL ADVISOR/SOIL SCIENTIST: The consultant completed over 10 soil surveys and land evaluation assessments under these conditions, complete with soil chemical and physical analysis as well as meteorological data which formed part of a technical feasibility analyses which also accessed forestry, hydrology and infrastructure; Supervised the preparation of reconnaissance and semi-detailed soil surveys in the remote humid tropical rain forests of Papua, Indonesia; Evaluated the soil survey results using computerized models based upon the FAO framework for Land Evaluation; Advised , on the soil and land suitability factors for a range of tropical crops and FAO Land Utilization Type (LUTs); Prepared or assisted with the preparation of over 35 Transmigration Development Settlement Feasibility Studies.
21. PROJECT: KINGS COUNTY LAND PLANNING PILOT PROJECT (KC-LPPP). A joint Project of Agriculture Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia KC-LPPP updated agricultural-forestry-industrial zones and pioneered the first use of digital mapping in eastern Canada in Kings County Planning Authority, Kentville, Nova Scotia. This was before the advent of ESRI and other Off-the-Shelf Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology
Location & Dates: TRURO, AND KENTVILLE, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA (06/1980 TO 03/1984)
Position: PROJECT MANAGER: Managed a team of 6 soil surveyors, cartographers, and students assistants; responsible for the project budget, all administrative tasks and liaison with the Donor, Federal Technical Project Officers and the client; prepared GIS-Based Canada Land Inventory (CLI) capability classification in Nova Scotia's Minas Basin; developed a system for evaluating the suitability of soils for agriculture, irrigation and agricultural waste disposal; field tested National Soil and Water Conservation methods prepared by national working groups; and; prepared 2 Soil Survey and Land Planning reports which were published and incorporated in Canada's Soil Information System (CANSIS); successfully expanded the pilot project to other Nova Scotia Counties and secured a four-fold increase in funding.


1) Position: Soil Survey Assistant Employer: Atlantic Soil Survey Unit, St. John's, Newfoundland. Canada. Summer, 1979.

2) Position: Soil Management Research Assistant Employer: Department of Land Resource Science, University of Guelph, Ontario. Summers, 1977 and 1978.

3) Position: Engineering Lab Technician Employer: Faculty of Engineering, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. August 1974 - December 1977.

4) Position: Biology and Chemistry Teacher Employer: Notre-Dame Integrated School Board, Lewisport, Newfoundland, Canada. September 1973 - August 1974.

5) Position: IBP Research Assistant Employer: International Biology Program (IBP), Biology Department, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland. Canada May - September 1970 - 1972

Maurice J. Bowen || 2018